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  • [Photos] Les gagnants du Sony World Photography Awards 2016

[Photos] Les gagnants du Sony World Photography Awards 2016

Une nouvelle fois, les grandes marques se mettent à faire des concours pour faire connaitre de nouveaux photographes. Ils nous dévoient des clichés tous aussi beaux les uns que les autres et on ne s’en lasse pas.

Découvrez les gagnants et profitez-en pour admirer les cadrages, les lumières, les ambiances et les personnages…

Catégorie « professionnels »

Professional winners of the Sony World Photography Awards 2016-1 Professional winners of the Sony World Photography Awards 2016-2 Professional winners of the Sony World Photography Awards 2016-3 Professional winners of the Sony World Photography Awards 2016-4 Professional winners of the Sony World Photography Awards 2016-5 Professional winners of the Sony World Photography Awards 2016-6 Professional winners of the Sony World Photography Awards 2016-7 Professional winners of the Sony World Photography Awards 2016-8 Professional winners of the Sony World Photography Awards 2016-9 Professional winners of the Sony World Photography Awards 2016-10 Professional winners of the Sony World Photography Awards 2016-11 Professional winners of the Sony World Photography Awards 2016-12 Professional winners of the Sony World Photography Awards 2016-13 Professional winners of the Sony World Photography Awards 2016-14

Catégorie « Open »

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Catégorie « national »

national-winner-sony-photo-2016-1 national-winner-sony-photo-2016-2 national-winner-sony-photo-2016-3

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